Sunday Morning Gatherings
Here is what you can expect on a Sunday morning!
9:00-10:15 Adult Sunday School: Currently we offer one Sunday school class for adults. This is a great way to get connected and learn how the bible can apply to your daily life. It's a friendly welcoming class. Come join us! As we grow, we will add classes to fit the needs of the people.
9:00-10:15 Fireside Fellowship: Come enjoy some time of sharing how your week went and get connected with other people in our fireside room. This is a relaxed gathering of laughter, coffee, donuts and mutual encouragement. A great way to start your Sunday morning at FBC!
10:30-11:45 Sunday Morning Gatherings: We like to consider our service a time of family gathering. We welcome all people to come as they are and encounter Jesus where they are in life. We know Jesus gets us, in our pain, hurts and mess as well in our victories, joys and rejoicing. We know that all people are in different parts of their journey in their faith walk and we respect that. Our gatherings are a non-judgmental friendly gathering where the broken, hurting, happy and stable are welcome to come and experience the love of Jesus. We love meeting all people where they are at in their faith journey. It's a time when we come together as a family and seek to hear the voice of God. You will always hear practical, relevant bible teaching that you can use to apply it to your life. Our gatherings offer relevant bible teaching, a mix of hymns and contemporary music, and vibrant fellowship to help you make life-long and eternal connections.
10:30-11:45 Childrens Sunday School: After our time of singing kids are released to go to their Sunday school class. We offer classes for kids of all ages. It is a fun, encouraging time where the kids are taught the basic truths of the Bible. We have awesome Sunday school teachers that love working with them.
Come join us and find a place to belong and grow in your faith!
At FBC, we make it a priority to welcome all to come and discover how Biblical truths applies to your daily life and experience the power, love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to all people!
